Saturday, April 18, 2009


OH MAN, FUCK MY LIFE. I hate this hell hole. I hate my brother i hope he freakin gets screwed over. My mother was being stupid.-__- I was fighting with david because he was being an ass and then all of a sudden she gives a lecture or "insight" on bad and good people dieing. Like what the fuck huh. UGHH i want to scream i am so enraged. I wish i would just slap my brother already but i dont want to get hit by my mother. I think i'll go on a training where i endure pain so when she hits me i won't feel anything and just stare at her so she'll finally realize SHE'S THE ONE WRONG. Life is unfair. You know what i hate the most when i open my space up and let someone in they fuck it up. For example i am nice and talk to my madre because i think she's lonely BUT she screws me over and says something dumb so i close my space up again. It makes me feel good when i stay in my room BY MY SELF after a shower and just go on the laptop and do whatever i want. I WANT TO DRIVE. I can be independent the one reason i want to drive the most is because i want my own freedom and NO i will NOT drive david that mother fucker can walk for all i care. Stupid bitch. AHHHHH! I HATE HIMMM. For one thing he thinks he so cool. WHATEVER, he has no friends and no life. On the weekends he hangs out with his cousins -_- NO FRIENDS. He talks back to me one day when he pisses me off really bad yes i know i always say this but when he makes me so mad and i cry mad tears i will slap him and say you dont have teh status to talk this way with me. and then walk away and give him the silence treatment for a longggggg time. He is so dumb too he says gosh don't yell at me when he is the on who raises his voice first ! WTH and he wastes so much electricity and everything i wish we would just make a dog house for him and make hi sleep outside in it -__- OH and i am very irritated with S she is making me mad why does this always happen i think i will stop talking to her for a little. YES, that is my plan. okay well i've expressed enough.

why is it always the good ones who get screwed over.

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